
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.




Worms in Coq

A Coq implementation of the Worm Calculus, the closed fragment of the Reflection Calculus, and the relationship between them.

FormalV Library

Libraries for the conversion between Coq primitive integers and MathComp unary numbers, boolean goal automation, and UTC time management.

QRC1 in Coq

A Coq formalization of the Quantified Reflection Calculus with one modality.


The Worm Calculus

Advances in Modal Logic 12, 2018

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A. & Joosten, J. J. (2018). Bezhanishvili, G., D'Agostino, G., Metcalfe, G., & Studer, T. (Eds.). The Worm Calculus. Advances in Modal Logic 12 (pp. 13–27). College Publications. URL:

The Second Order Traffic Fine: Temporal Reasoning in European Transport Regulations

26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2019), 2019

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A., Conejero Rodríguez, J., Fernández-Duque, D., González Bedmar, M., & Joosten, J. J. (2019). Gamper, J., Pinchinat, S., & Sciavicco, G. (Eds.). The second order traffic fine: temporal reasoning in European transport regulations. 26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2019) (pp. 6:1–6:16). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. URL:, doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.TIME.2019.6

Quantified Reflection Calculus with one modality

Advances in Modal Logic 13, 2020

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A. & Joosten, J. J. (2020). Olivetti, N., Verbrugge, R., Negri, S., & Sandu, G. (Eds.). Quantified Reflection Calculus with one modality. Advances in Modal Logic 13 (pp. 13–32). College Publications. URL:

Towards a Coq formalization of a quantified modal logic

Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2022), 2022

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A. (2022). Benzmüller, C. & Otten, J. (Eds.). Towards a Coq formalization of a quantified modal logic. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2022) (pp. 13–27). CEUR. URL:

An Escape from Vardanyan's Theorem

The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2023

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A. & Joosten, J. J. (2023). An escape from Vardanyan's Theorem. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 88(4), 1613–1638. URL:, doi:10.1017/jsl.2022.38

Lessons for Interactive Theorem Proving Researchers from a Survey of Coq Users

14th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2023), 2023

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A., Casanueva Artís, A., Falleri, J.-R., Gallego Arias, E. J., Martin-Dorel, É., Palmskog, K., Serebrenik, A., & Zimmermann, T. (2023). Naumowicz, A. & Thiemann, R. (Eds.). Lessons for interactive theorem proving researchers from a survey of Coq users. 14th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2023) (pp. 12:1–12:18). Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. URL:

UTC Time, Formally Verified

Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP ’24), January 15--16, 2024, London, UK, 2024

Citation: de Almeida Borges, A., González Bedmar, M., Conejero Rodríguez, J., Hermo Reyes, E., Casals Buñuel, J., & Joosten, J. J. (2024). UTC time, formally verified. Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP ’24), January 15–16, 2024, London, UK (p. ). ACM. URL:, doi:10.1145/3636501.3636958

